How to use this website

This website is designed to be easily useable on desktop devices, laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

It is a 'responsive' website. This means it will reformat itself depending upon the screen size of the device you're viewing it on. It does this to make the text easy to read, and place the most important elements on a page at the top of the page.

Some of the tables on the website contain large amounts of data. On small screens we have to hide some columns, but if you rotate your 'phone to landscape view they will be shown.

Larger tablets like iPads will show the mobile view of the site in portrait orientation, but again, if you rotate the tablet to landscape orientation the site will look more like the desktop version.


Much of the historical data we've collected over the years is in PDF format. This is a near-universally-supported format on the web nowadays. These PDF files are linked to from many pages within the site. Clicking them will open them on your device, or download them depending upon how your device is set up.


The site has a print stylesheet which means that when you print a page elements which you don't need printed are stripped out and the page is reformatted to fit on A4 portrait oriented paper. For instance, we assume that you want to print the unique content of the page, and not the menu or page backgrounds, so these are stripped out.

PDF documents should also print out well.



Friern Barnet & District Local History Society
46 Raleigh Drive,
London N20 0UU


Telephone: 020 8368 8314


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